Oh, what a night! Early December, back in ’19. What a very special time for me. What an exhibition. What a night! Ok, enough of my loose interpretation of the famous Four Seasons’ song. Let me tell you about December 6, 2019.
I was on hand among a select few fine artists who participated in the Cameron Art Museum group exhibition, Illumination, curated by Holly Tripman Fitzgerald, which featured new light art in wildly diverse formats. Twenty-one pieces in total were chosen and are on exhibition from December 7, 2019 – January 12, 2020. To celebrate, great music by El Jaye Johnson and the Port City All-Stars flowed, museumgoers cut rugs, eyeballs soaked in the art and fun was had by all!
I snapped a few shots of the other participant artists’ works here for your viewing pleasure, but if you can get over to CAM in Wilmington, NC, by all means, see them in person.

While you’re there, be sure to also check out the fantastic Isamu Noguchi exhibition, Unfolding Noguchi on view from November 22, 2019 – May 24, 2020 and The Eye Learns – Modernist Prints from the Louis Belden Collection on view between October 22, 2019 – April 26, 2020, featuring the works of Alexander Calder, Helen Frankenthaler, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella and many other iconic 20th century artists.
Click here to see more images and read more details about my piece 1:1.1 featured in the Cameron Art Museum exhibition: