To read my new fine art feature article and interview “Keiken Offers AI Pearls in New ‘Wisdoms for Neknel’ NFT Release” in the June 2023 issue of the Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art by clicking on the link here:

Keiken Offers AI Pearls in New ‘Wisdoms for Neknel’ NFT Release


Utopia. Does it really even exist? We’ve ruminated on and debated about idyllic life since the times of Plato’s Republic. Wordy tomes and lengthy poems have been written about it, motion pictures have visualized utopian game plans, gains and failures, and dense thoughts have crossed many minds about what our personal perfect world might ultimately become. But why the urgency – or even the slow-burn latency – to identify such a construct? Are we that unhappy? The human condition – brutal and bright – rears its unpleasant head at every point along the way in our day, but seems particularly acute now, as we constantly ingest the sound and sight bites that inundate our airwaves about it. So, how do we materialize such a land and life of the fresh and free? We don’t and we never have. Instead, we virtualize it. We get a gallant team of earnest young creatives, pair them up with seasoned masterminds of our day, then churn their discoveries and data points through Artificial Intelligence – and make art! At least that’s my jocular CliffsNotes interpretation of the seriously minded endeavors that award-winning aesthetic collective Keiken have done with digital art platform leaders Daata when developing the new virtual world of Wisdoms for Neknel, which debuts on June 13.

To learn more about Keiken, go to:
To learn more about Daata, go to:
To visit the dedicated Wisdom for Neknel website, go to:

#AI #artificialintelligence #art #arte #kunst #keiken #artcollective #daata #daateart #wisdom #artcriticism #artcritic #artreview #wozniak #artnews #arttalk #artinterview #interview @whitehotmagazine #whitehotmagazine @noahbecker @thestephenwozniak @_keiken_ #digitalart #digital #electronicart #NFT #gaming #utopia #protopia #plato




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